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EasyCamp Tent 'Wimberly'

Freestanding awning in tunnel desgin for caravans, MPVs and busses. It is build up with two prebend rod arches and is stabilized with two steel rods in the inner. The offers a great view from the inside thanks to the great window areas and is bright and spacious. The windows are equipped with curtains. The tub-shaped floor is hoisted to provide protection against dirt, humidity and insects. At the back there is a dogginzone which enables easy car manouvering. The connector piece than is pulled over the car an fastened.

Additional info on Caravan Awnings

A small selection of tents for the porch of a motorhome or camping bus. Thus the protected living space is enormously extended and when using the vehicle the tent simply stops. Also using the technology with new inflatable channels.

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EasyCamp Tent 'Wimberly'
Item Nr.: 154107